How to post a comment to the blog

Okay! Now you’re logged in and ready to get going. Here I’ll explain how to post a comment to an entry that someone else (or you!) has already posted. This is actually pretty easy and self-explanatory, so if you’re feeling anti-authoritarian, just skip to:

Your next assignment: post a comment to this entry!

To post a comment to an entry, just click the link below that entry that says “No Comments” or “2 Comments” or however many comments there are:

where to click when you want to comment on an entry

The comment-writing interface is fairly simple, because it’s designed for anyone in the whole world (not just you Crackpots) to use:

the comment interface: easy!

That’s the idea behind blogs, basically: one or several people put their ideas on the web, and everyone else comments on them and joins a conversation. However, this blog operates a little differently: we don’t necessarily care what everyone in the world thinks of our quilts and other Crackpot projects, so I’ve constructed the blog so that only the five of us can comment.

You have to be logged in to comment, and if for some reason you’ve gotten logged out and try to post a comment, the blog will make you log in first. But you already know how to do that, right? So go ahead and try….

Your next assignment: post a comment to this entry!

4 Responses to “How to post a comment to the blog”

  1. Ann says:

    This is very cool! Although I wasn’t sure at first if I had done the right thing because, when I clicked on the thing that said, “No comments,” it looked like it brought me back to where I had just been, but then I scrolled down and found this box, so obviously I am doing it right.
    Eeep! I just discovered that it is a BAD idea to use the tab key when/if you are so foolish at to want to indent a paragraph. The tab key takes you I-don’t-know-where, but I got back easily by just using the mouse to click in this box.
    I have been wondering if we Crackpots might want to consider making my friend Mary G in FL an Associate Crackpot. She loves to quilt and belongs to a quilt group in FL, and I usually share my Crackpot projects with her. I think she is a bit envious of all the fun we have together. I told her about our site in an e-mail I sent her today and suggested that she check it out when she has a chance. She is en route to VA now to spend holiday time with her children, so I don’t know when she will have a chance to view the site.

  2. Ann says:

    Small “Ooops!” to report to our Webmeister: the clock seems to be 2 hrs. off.

  3. Nancy says:

    Hi everyone,
    I have made it here too. Though I must confess I already lost the little box with my password in it, but thankfully Marty found it under the train table. šŸ™‚

  4. Marty says:

    And I made it here, too.

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