Hello! So in my copious spare time, now that I’m not working (and when I’m not busy gestating), I’ve been making some progress on the “nesting” project. I now have four completed blocks, which I think is all I’m going to aim for. Here they are, all together:

Clockwise from upper left, they are: Memory Wreath, Joseph’s Coat, One Union Square, and Christmas Star. I put them on some blue fabric because I think I’m going to finish them all together with blue sashing of some sort, though almost certainly NOT this fabric.
Here is a closeup of Joseph’s Coat, by far the most difficult of all of the blocks as far as piecing, especially since the pattern I had was for a 15-inch block and I had to re-draft it for a 12-inch block:

And here is a closeup of Christmas Star, which is the one that I’m the least satisfied with. I had to resort to paper piecing for parts of this block, and the piecing is very inaccurate in places. Also, I’m really not happy with the pink in this block; it just doesn’t have enough contrast with the surrounding fabrics. The green and blue have the same problem, but I think I could live with them if the pink had more punch. I may actually re-do this block, though I dread the prospect:

And here are all four blocks in the nursery itself, where you can see that they don’t entirely clash with the peach-colored walls:

The next step will be deciding how to work the sashing, border(s), etc. I’d love to do something scrappy with the (many, many) leftover scraps, but I need to come up with some ideas first.