Not only is a futon a nice place off of the floor for grandparents to sleep when they visit, but it doubles as a location for basting a quilt. How versatile! Here’s the backing with the batting spread out on top of it:
And here’s the quilt top on it, with the proud owner as well.
Unfortunately, as I had it all spread out, I noticed that I had forgotten to fix the upside-down side border. Aaargh! You may be able to see it if you look closely in the picture. The good part is that I did notice before I basted it. So, it could have been worse! I ripped that out, re-sewed it the right way, and got the basting done last night. Now, on to machine quilting…
Wow, the quilt looks great! (So does the proud owner!) Is the futon a replacement for the air bed that used to be down there?
Yes, the futon replaces the airbed so our guests are at least off of the floor.
Yes, the owner definitely adds to the charm of the quilt! And I’m glad this visiting grandparent didn’t bother trying to get the futon back into couch configuration before we left.