My exercise teacher is leaving the senior center to take a Real Job at the new fitness/wellness/rehab center a hospital south of us is opening. I decided to make her a little thank you gift that shows our class walking outside. It was a little bit of a rush job since I only had a week.
The people, trees, flowers and sun are fused on. Then I used a narrow zigzag with monofilament thread to stitch around the edges. The grass is a decorative machine stitch. The faces are drawn with Pigma Micron markers and enhanced with colored pencil make-up. The hair is yarn from Rebecca. The shoe laces are rayon embroidery floss. Boy, does that stuff has a mind of its own!
Everything but the binding came from the basement or the sewing room. That’s pretty good–using things I already have in the stash plus one required trip to Field’s!
Very cute! I especially like the tulips. And I recognize the fabric that the red person is wearing! 🙂
Marty, if my extended, involved projects could be as wonderfully cute as your “rush jobs,” I’d be in great shape. What a wonderful gift!