First NaBloPoMo 08!

decorations 2

decorations 2

Our sewing guild is decorating a tree for the local Free Health Clinic. We are using, of course, a sewing theme. Everyone is contributing decorations. These are the ones I made yesterday. They are my own design, from an idea that came early not that early one morning as I was trying to decide whether to get up.

As always with crackpot projects, there were a few engineering issues to be dealt with, most prominently how to keep the spools on the assigned places on the ribbons. For future reference, the holes in the spools are larger than you might think. I ended up putting a tiny safety pin through the knot below the yellow spool.

One Response to “First NaBloPoMo 08!”

  1. Nancy says:

    Those are really neat! Will you be able to post a picture of the completed tree later?

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