by Cathy
It’s spring break here (and it’s really spring break, with the weather we’ve been having) and I took a day off to do some stuff with current and possible future preschools. In between, I made something!

It’s a rather small Jordy Bag, with a single button closure and the worst buttonhole known to humankind (but it’s still a functional buttonhole). Here it is with its intended cargo:

It was really easy, setting aside the part where it took me three tries to get the handles attached correctly. (One of those was completely my fault for not following the directions; the other could have been made clearer in the directions.) It was also my first experience with interfacing, which didn’t adhere as securely as I might have hoped. It was iron-on, non-sticky interfacing, and I’m thinking I may not have had my iron hot enough? I followed the directions to set it on the wool setting with steam, but maybe I should have done something differently?
Anyway, it was fun, and now I want to make another, larger one, possibly for me. 🙂