by Nancy
Last weekend, while I was watching a soccer game in chilly weather, I was struck with inspiration for my next quilting project: a warm quilt for soccer game watching. Since Nicholas’ and Andrew’s club soccer team colors are red and white, I decided to use red and tan. Here’s what I found in my stash:

My plan is to do some machine applique letters to spell the kids’ names, soccer, and their club name, Cutters.

I haven’t done any machine applique in a while, so my first practice letter wasn’t great, but after I looked up the directions for how to pivot on inside and outside corners, things went much better.

Since it was fall break, I had quite a bit of time to work on it, especially since the weather was bad and the kids were visiting grandparents for the first part of the week. I really wanted to find some good soccer print fabric, and I went to all 3 fabric stores in town but didn’t find anything I liked.
I did do a few other things besides sewing during fall break, such as cleanin
g out some closets and making cinnamon rolls. Yum!

On Saturday Andrew had a soccer tournament in Indianapolis, and there was enough time between games to visit one of the quilt stores. They had just what I was looking for:

So far, I have the letters of Nicholas cut out, ready for applique…