Yesterday was an “Eat Chocolate!” day. WooHoo!
So here is a photo of the Eat Chocolate page from my fabric journal.
It’s not finished yet, but you can tell a couple of things. First and most obvious, all the chocolate is dark chocolate, the most powerful kind. If you could see the detail, you would notice that each chocolate is decorated with embroidery that shows what the filling is. I’m sure you recognize the brown with pink dots ribbon. It was purchased when we were trying to keep someone away from the balloon fabric. The fabric journal has been in a box for a while, so it was fun to get it out look it out. Some day I’ll finish it.
Now in the interest of full disclosure: While I was checking out, my driver was eating Hershey’s kisses. I had a peppermint. What was I thinking! So we stopped down the road at Culver’s for a dairy based lunch. The Turtle Sundae was good for the winter, but nothing beats a real Tommy Turtle. And when my book group went out to dinner last night, I had Tiramisu. Not all that much chocolate, but filled with other valuable goodness. 🙂