This has been a tea-infuser intensive Christmas for Ann, who loves tea, is something of a tea snob, and makes her tea with a tea infuser, which she prefers to call a tea bob. Therefore she was truly delighted to receive a Rubber Ducky tea bob from Rebecca for Christmas. Totally cute, totally Crackpotty, totally wonderful! And totally needing photodocumentation.
Here she is ready to dive in.
And here she is hard at work. She appears to be doing the back stroke. She straightens up once her tea leaves get soggy and heavy.
And here she is hanging out with her friends on the kitchen window sill and celebrating a job well done.

Now imagine Ann’s total amazement and delight when Ducky was upstaged two days later by another avian tea bob! Meet Percy the Penguin.
Here he is at the ready, awaiting the hot water. Note the timer on his right flipper and the slightly baffled look.
And here he is in action:
Note that the tea bob is submerged and the timer is set for 5 min. Also, note that Percy is slightly cross-eyed.
Finally, here he is at the completion of his task:
Note that he has successfully raised the tea bob, thus preventing over-brewing. What a bird! I regret that I do not have the hardware to provide a video of Percy in action. It’s really pretty funny!
Crackpots will be happy to learn that the problem of Too Many Tea Bobs has been solved by taking Ducky to the Cute Little House. Cute Little House, Cute Little Tea Bob. Perfect.