I finished my vase made from a “silk hankie” (un-spun silk fibers) and hardened with Paverpol, a fabric hardener from the other Holland.
First I took the already dyed silk hankie and added various decorative threads scattered across the top. It was sandwiched between water-soluble stabilizer and then stitched in a manner I would call diagonal, curved, semi-parallel stitching. (Mathematicians are gagging–we know who they are).
Then I made the mold. This is a vase thoroughly covered with kitchen plastic wrap. The Paverpol apparently sticks to everything except plastic. Because I wanted a narrow bottom and a flared-out top, I wrapped quite a bit of plastic wrap around the middle of the vase to support the flare.
Then I painted the silk hankie with the Paverpol. I wore plastic gloves and used a plastic bag under the silk hankie. I shaped the hankie over the mold and left it to dry in the basement for three days.
Then it was time to remove the vase from the mold. I thought it would just slip off. No. I pulled out the plastic wrap supporting the flare and cut out as much as I could around the vase. From there it was just brute strength, of which I have plenty due to my rigorous exercise regimen.
This class has been too much fun!