The issue of the Room Soon to Be Known as the Room Formerly Known as Pink remains. The previous inhabitant has relocated to Someplace Else, and she refuses to claim the room any more. She is no longer fond of the pink color she picked out at age four.
The room has since morphed into my sewing room. It works quite well, especially since we had new lighting installed last winter. And I keep bringing more and more of my sewing supplies up from the basement.
However, every time the boys come, I have to move my sewing machine out to make room for the air bed. And with the new blue quilts I made for the boys (see earlier post), the pink is looking a little sad.
This morning I told the boys that we had some work to do to get the room ready to paint.
“Peel off the wallpaper?” was the response.
Hmmm… that was not exactly what I had in mind, although a three-year old and a five-year-old could probably do a pretty good job at it. No, the work was to sort through the dolls and stuffed animals of the previous inhabitant. We would decide which ones to send to Rebecca and which ones to keep here to play with.
No surprise–all the dolls are in the bag for Rebecca.

And now look at the additional shelf space I have. I’ll reorganize some things to make even more space on the shelves.

Tomorrow after the boys leave, I’ll move the sewing machine back in and start on a few Christmas projects.