Just so you don’t think I’m being self-disciplined or anything…

November 14th, 2007

I fear I may have given the wrong impression in my previous post about trying to finish Andrew’s quilt before starting any other projects. That may have implied that I’m only working on one thing right now. That is certainly not the case! Here is one of the many other things I have in progress:


One of the women in my quilting group found a pattern for a quilt with a variety of different, unique baskets in a magazine and suggested that we each make one of them multiple times and swap, so that everyone has a quilt of multiple baskets. I shouldn’t really be starting any new projects now, but how can you say no to that? My basket isn’t very hard, though it is a combination of a little piecing and mostly applique. I am proud to say that I didn’t purchase any fabric for it, just some applique thread. I don’t think I’ll make all of my baskets the same – that might get boring, since I need to make 10 or 12.

Diaper Wipes Update

November 13th, 2007

So here’s what happened when I washed the new, improved, diaper wipes:

hemmed diaper wipes fray, too

Verdict: they frayed, just as badly as the old, non-improved wipes. But the thread did end up being colorfast. (I think Marty’s hypothesis that substances other than water caused the dye to run might be correct.) And presumably, once they fray as far as the stitching, they will stop fraying. We can hope.

In the mean time, they’re no worse than the original wipes, at least!

My Exercise Class

November 12th, 2007

My exercise teacher is leaving the senior center to take a Real Job at the new fitness/wellness/rehab center a hospital south of us is opening. I decided to make her a little thank you gift that shows our class walking outside. It was a little bit of a rush job since I only had a week.

The people, trees, flowers and sun are fused on. Then I used a narrow zigzag with monofilament thread to stitch around the edges. The grass is a decorative machine stitch. The faces are drawn with Pigma Micron markers and enhanced with colored pencil make-up. The hair is yarn from Rebecca. The shoe laces are rayon embroidery floss. Boy, does that stuff has a mind of its own!

Everything but the binding came from the basement or the sewing room. That’s pretty good–using things I already have in the stash plus one required trip to Field’s!

Why a hat for myself will be my next knitting project

November 11th, 2007

… I had a bit of a gauge problem with the last one I made.



November 10th, 2007

I’m not absolutely sure yet, but early indications suggest that the thread I used on the cloth diaper wipes may not be colorfast. At least, that’s the only explanation I have for why I wound up with blue dye on my hands after changing Young Master James’s diaper this morning.

This would be, shall we say, a design flaw.

It’s Sulky variegated thread, designed for quilting and machine embroidery. I find it hard to believe that it wouldn’t be colorfast, but the evidence is pretty clear. We’ll see what happens when I wash the wipes, but for now I’ve gone back to using the old frayed ones.

Quilt for the Cure

November 10th, 2007

I finished my two Quilt for the Cure blocks.

Once I decided where to put the different pieces, they went very quickly. They were easy to put together. I used my new 12 1/2 inch square ruler to square them up. I was surprised to find that they were slightly larger than expected. I guess I’ll have to recalibrate my 1/4 inch seams.

The new 12 1/2 inch ruler was purchased out of frustration with trying to square up blocks on a previous project. (The 40% off coupon pushed me over the edge.) So far, I’m delighted with it. I used it on my current project, which will be revealed in my next post.

Thanks, Nancy, for the block kits!

Cloth diaper wipes

November 9th, 2007

So this is about the extent to which my crafty/sewing skills extend these days:

cloth diaper wipes

These are cloth diaper wipes for Young Master James. You can buy cloth wipes online, but you’ll pay about a dollar each for what is essentially a square of fabric (sometimes two layers) with serged edges.

Hmph to that, I say.

Joann’s had solid flannel on sale for $2 a yard shortly before James was born, so I bought a couple of yards and cut half of each of them up into squares with pinking shears, thinking that the pinking would keep them from fraying in the wash. Alas, I was mistaken:

frayed cloth diaper wipes

Since I don’t have a serger, I figured that the zigzag stitch on my sewing machine was the next closest thing, and might work (or at least wouldn’t be worse than what I had already), so I gave it a shot with the other half of the fabric. The variegated thread was originally for another project (the Attic Windows wall quilt with the gorgeous batik fabric) but I haven’t used it yet and who knows when I’ll get back to it now!

Thanks to the magical baby-soothing properties of Nancy’s Bug Chair, I finished them this afternoon (what should have taken a couple of hours wound up taking a week or two, in 15-minute increments!) I plan to deploy them later today, and I’ll report back once I’ve washed them a time or two.

The Quilting Begins

November 8th, 2007


So, it’s all basted and now it’s quilting time! I’m just doing a simple diagonal grid allover, using a varigated red-yellow-green-blue thread. Hopefully it won’t be too bright and take away from the piecing. I like the subtle look of the clear monofilament best, but it’s very slippery and my maching tends to come unthreaded without my noticing it, which is really annoying when you’re quilting very long rows. I’ve done a few rows so far. The quilting is not hard, but it is time-consuming to get it positioned under the machine and deal with all the quilt bulk. I’m trying to do a little bit every day so it gets done reasonably soon. This is both because Andrew really wants to sleep under it and because I want to start new projects but am trying to be reasonably disciplined and get this done first.

I’ve found a side benefit of NaBloPoMo – I’ve been posting more frequently so I can actually remember how to upload a photo and put it in my post without referring to the instructions every time. 🙂

Propeller Beanie

November 7th, 2007

Does it count for NaBloPoMo if I post about another Crackpot’s project?

This is Rebecca’s fabulously awesome propeller beanie for James:

James\'s propeller beanie

Chris and I are continuing the quest for the ultimate photo of James and his beanie. More details on the Flickr page!

WIP – Reversible Rib Shawl

November 6th, 2007

This project was conceived as travel knitting – it’s relatively mindless (K2P2 rib with some cables every so often), and the mohair/silk yarn is super light – great for shoving into luggage. My original travel knitting plan was a lace cardigan with the same yarn, but the lace pattern was going to take way more concentration than travel knitting really ought to require.


Of course, true confession time: of the 12″ of shawl that I’ve got done so far, about 5 rows were actually knit while traveling. Yes, I can fly to Europe and back, take my knitting with me on the airplane, and only get a few rows done on the flight from Amsterdam to Detroit and in the Detroit airport, despite my near inability to sleep in airplanes. Much more of the knitting was done before the trip – I wanted to make sure that it looked enough like an actual project to convince the airport security folks that it really was knitting, and not a way to sneak a circular knitting needle on the airplane for some nefarious purpose.

There’s a lovely post with a finished shawl in a similar color at a completely amusing blog

Oh, and a side note for the plethora of blog fans who aren’t relatives or relatives*. I’m ksubnaught on Ravelry. If there is only one such fan, does that make it a plethorum?